Welcome to P1
Still Art due 5/10
Still Life Art
- Sketch planned due at the end of Wednesday 4/24 Art class
Students has had two 45-minute class periods to work on their sketch for their still life piece (4/10 and 4/17). For both days, students were verbally reminded multiple times within the class periods that they should consider staying in for their recesses on our rotational days to continue to have time to work and receive guidance and support. To help all students stay on track with finishing their work by the deadline below, I am encouraging all students to attempt to finish their sketches at the end of Wednesday 4/24.
- Final Still Life Art due Friday 5/10
PE Goals and Reflection- Due 5/10
Quarter 4 Due Dates
Projects/Paper and due dates:
- Argumentative paper - 5/10
- Wonder Precept - 5/13
- Religion Flyer- 5/14
- Ecosystem Poster- 5/16
- Art head Piece
- Research- 4/17
- Final Project- 5/8
-Still Life Art- 5/10
- Health Food Journal
- Journal # 1- 4/24
- Journal # 2- 5/3
-PE goals with reflection- 5/10